G.R.I.P. News

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Infrastructure upgrades on the main tower

I will over the course of today and tomorrow be doing upgrade work on the main tower at hope-point. These upgrades will help reach some of the difficult coverage areas and reduce the chances of congestion slowdowns for members directly connected to hope-point.

The work to implement these upgrades has actually been in the works for a while now, but the next steps will require outages as the new hardware is brought up.

Let me know if you have any questions

- Sean

Saturday, 19 July 2008

Work on the main tower today!

Today between 2:00pm and 4:00pm, with the help of several neighbours on the island, will be taking the main tower down at Hope Point to work on the wind generator.

This will result in downtime for the G.R.I.P. Network for approximately an hour, after that time things will be back up and running.

If you have any questions feel free to give me a call.

- Sean

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Wind Storm causes power outage on Gambier

Today's wind storm has knocked out power to all of gambier. As a result:

- Members directly connected to the main tower at Hope Point are unaffected (if they have a power source of their own anyway)
- Members in Center Bay will have power as long as we are able to keep fuel in our generator. Likely it will be down late at night and early in the morning, but should be up at other times.
- Members in West Bay Landing will be down until BC Hydro restores power.

I also have a bunch of updates that will be posted in the next few days regarding upgrades to the network, this past winter, etc, but those will have to wait till later.

- Sean